Marcello Lunelli & Aldo Colonetti
Marcello Lunelli is an oenologist and President of Tenuta Castelbuono. In 1987 he graduated in oenology at the Agricultural Institute of San Michele all’Adige, and then he graduated with honours in agricultural science at the University of Milan and became an agronomist in 1993.
After his studies, Marcello worked abroad in California and South Africa before joining the family wine business: in 2005 he has been appointed President of Tenuta Castelbuono and in 2007 Vice-president of Ferrari Metodo Classico.
Marcello is 44 years old, married with Roberta and father of a 7 years old girl Emma, he is member of the Board of directors of the Italian Wine Association and of the Italian Confederation of Wine and Vine and member of the steering committee of Confindustria Trento since 2008.
Aldo Colonetti (Bergamo, 1945) is a philosopher, and has studied with Gillo Dorfles and Enzo Paci, historians and theorists of art, design and architecture. Since 1998 he is Scientific Director of IED, Istituto Europeo di Design and since 1991 Director of “Ottagono”. He has been member of the Scientific Committee in the Triennale of Milano from 2002 to 2006.
He is author of several books and curator of exhibitions and currently he collaborates with Corriere della Sera in the field of architecture and design.
In 2001 Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II honoured him with the “Member of British Empire” title. Since 2004 he is member of the Advisory Board of 3M Foundation and since 2009 he is part of the Italian Design Council, under the aegis of the Italian Ministries of Culture and Foreign Affairs.
Since 2011 he is member of the Scientific Committee of Ragghianti Foundation in Lucca, Italy.
Speaker notes
Art and wine, as drivers for tourism: the unique experience of Castelbuono’s “Carapace” Winery