Marcy Gordon
Marcy Gordon served as Director of Consumer Marketing for the development and launch of Travelocity, and as VP of Marketing for OpenTable the online restaurant reservation service that debuted in 1999. She is a published travel writer and worked for The Touring Club of Italy, where she was contributing editor and co-designer of the Authentic Italy guidebook series. Her writing has in the San Francisco Chronicle, World Hum and in print in many Travelers’ Tales anthologies including Best Women’s Travel Writing 2012, 2011 & 2010. She writes Come for the Wine a popular blog that features wine tourism destinations around the world, and partners with tour operators, vintners associations and wineries to promote travel to their regions using social media, and conversation marketing strategies. Visit www.comeforthewine.com for more information.
Marcy Gordon will be delivering a talk titled
Impacting Regional Tourism with Customized Wine, Food & Travel Guides
Get Marcy's speaker notes here>>
See the complete Conference programme of talks