Industry & Trends

Txakolí – what’s that?

Txakolí – what’s that?

First point to clarify is that Txakolí (pronounced CHACK-oh-lee) is not a grape variety nor is it a wine region in Spain. Txakolí  can be defined as an diverse Atlantic wine style produced in the Spain’s Basque country mostly produced using the following, tongue -...

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Wine Tourism Rioja Alavesa

Wine Tourism Rioja Alavesa

Stand on top of the rocky mass of the Sierra Cantabria and gaze below and beyond and you will admire a sea of vineyards rooted in unique light coloured soil in terraces and ravines stretching out to the River Ebro, Spain’s longest river. Scattered across the panorama...

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….and that was IWINETC 2018 Hungary

….and that was IWINETC 2018 Hungary

The 10th anniversary of IWINETC was a truly memorable edition with three awesome days packed full of education, business, and networking. A big thank you to the team at the Hungarian Tourism Agency who made the event such a huge success. Before we get going on the...

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What a Fantastic IWINETC!

What a Fantastic IWINETC!

The IWINETC 10TH Anniversary has been just great…. IWINETC 2018 has now closed. A whole year of planning resulted in a truly memorable event for all involved. We wanted to thank all participants for taking the time to attend, and a special mention goes to our Premium...

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IWINETC Highlights day 3

IWINETC Highlights day 3

It's been another fantastic day at IWINETC 2018! Outstanding destinations, unique wineries and innovative trade suppliers from diverse grape escape destinations such as Armenia, Bulgaria, Champagne, Czech Republic, Italy, Moldova, Portugal, Spain, Uruguay and of...

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