Enoturisme DO Alella Wine Route to be Showcased at IWINETC

Mar 12, 2016 | IWINETC 2016 Catalunya, Spain, Spain, Wine Tourism Conference

Enoturisme DO Alella will be present at the 8th International Wiine Tourism Confernce, Exhibition & Workshop (IWINTEC) to showcase all the wine tourism resources that our region offers through the DO Alella Wine Route. At our destination you will be able to engage in a broad range of activities related to wine and the vineyards. Cellars, restaurants, wine pubs, wine therapy treatment centers, lodging… all of these provide a unique set of experiences that you will only be able to enjoy in Barcelona’s vineyard.


Very close to Barcelona, nestled between the sea and the mild hills of the Serralada Litoral, we find a landscape of vineyards whose roots go back over two thousand years.  The Appellation of Origin Alella, the oldest and smallest in Catalonia, is a tiny oasis currently shared by three Catalan counties, the Maresme, the Vallès Oriental and the Barcelonès.  A provocative combination of colors, fragrances and tastes, our wines convey the nature, history, identity and culture of the area.  The wine and the vineyards have defined the landscape and the life of a land that offers a rich and well-preserved architectural heritage and a broad and varied offer of cultural, touristic, gastronomic and commercial activities.

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We invite you to discover our territory, taste our wines and enjoy the diverse proposals for a wine-based experience involving all five senses that are currently offered by the different municipalities of the Alella DO.

For more information on the event please visit the IWINETC website>>

International Wine Tourism Conference (IWINETC)

Founded in Spain in 2009, the International Wine Tourism Conference (IWINETC) has now accommodated over 2,500 wine & culinary tourism professionals in 45 different countries throughout the world.

Though opportunities for international networking, professional development, and world class industry information you will find that our conferences and workshops offer unique ways to discover grape escape destinations around the world.

IWINETC is the destination for those involved in wine, gastronomy and tourism. So come along and share your point of view and gain from the experience of others.


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