IWINETC 2012 feedback draw winner announced!

Apr 22, 2012 | 2012 Italy, 2013 Croatia, Wine Tourism Conference

IWINETC 2012 attracted over 300 industry professionals to Perugia, with a total number of 253 conference delegates, 26 Bloggers, 95 workshop participants of which 40 were Hosted Buyers, an increase of 10% on 2011 (pre-audited figures). The event delivered three days of powerful business opportunities, topical education sessions, invaluable networking opportunities and over 8,000 pre-scheduled appointments organised between Hosted Buyers and wine experience providers.

Comments and feedback are important for developing the future of IWINETC and ensuring the event continues to meet delegate’s needs. So we asked all participants for their comments on the event. All feedback  received by 15 February was entered into a draw for a free registration for IWINETC 2013. And the lucky winner is……… Marijan Močivnik

Marijan is based in Slovenia and is a photographer and journalist.  He attended the very first IWINETC back in 2009. Here are the answers to a few questions we posed:

1. Could you give us your overall feedback on all aspects of IWINETC 2012? 

In general I think that conference was vey well organised, no comments on place etc, it was good. As I already mentioned, very good was the decision that English was the only official language (not as it was in 2009 in Spain – English/Spanish). Of course it is impossible to participate/follow all programme (as there are up to 3 talks at the same time (as I remember – I did not check the programme now) and in some cases up to 2 were of the same interest for me). I work in graphic design studio and we have to deal very often with the presentation of different information and I think that the programme could be better presented if made (also) in the form of table … where it is possible in one view to see what is going on where, what is to be paid separately and so on.

2. You mentioned in your feedback on IWINETC 2012 that we should include smaller countries as venues for the event. Croatia will host the 2013 edition of the conference. How much do you know about Croatia as a grape escape destination?

I know Croatia quite well, its coastal part much better than other parts. Our Vino magazine and our design studio work also with and for Croatian clients (regions, winemakers, …) and we also follow them quite intense.

3. Based in Slovenia can you tell us a little about the wines and wine tourism in your country?

I can tell a lot :-). In general: beginnings in wine-making from Roman times. Today 3 wine-growing regions (Podravje (Štajerska Slovenija and Prekmurje), Posavje (Bela krajina, Dolenjska, Bizeljsko) and Primorska (Brda (on the Italian side of the border it is called Collio), Vipava valley, Slovenska Istra (Istra on the Croatian side of the border), Kras (Carso on the Italian side …). Mostly small winemakers and few bigger cellars (up to few millions bottles per year), total annual production 80 – 100 mio l of wine, quite high consumption of wine per capita (I have to check latest data), a lot of grape varieties (some well known – sauvignon blanc, chardonnay, pinot gris, merlot …, some more or very local (šipon, zelen, rebula, malvazija, pinela …), some traditional particularities (Cviček – light reddish (but not rose) wine made from white AND red grapes …), beside modern technology also making of so called orange wines (traditional, white grapes, long skin contact – white wines made in the way of making reds …) …

4. You write for the Revija Vino magazine. Can you talk us through the kind of content we would find and who is your readership?

It is magazine for lovers of wine, culinary arts and other delights. Contents: news, reports, interviews, opinions, selections of best wines, wine and food matching – everything from Slovenia and also from abroad… our own events for our readers, blogs on our web site … Magazine is well designed, with good photography and good contents. Definite opinion leader in the field of wine and culinary in Slovenia. Some abstracts also published in English. Readers? Demanding, mostly high educated … good paid people.

5. Finally, in which countries do you think we should consider holding the 2014 conference?


IWINETC once again upheld its reputation for delivering world-class professional education with more than 40 sessions and over 250 delegates attending the seminars. We look forward to seeing you at IWINETC 2013 from 15-17 March. Early bird registration is now open!

Photo Sparkling wine by Mary Cressler, Vindulge

International Wine Tourism Conference (IWINETC)

Founded in Spain in 2009, the International Wine Tourism Conference (IWINETC) has now accommodated over 2,500 wine & culinary tourism professionals in 45 different countries throughout the world.

Though opportunities for international networking, professional development, and world class industry information you will find that our conferences and workshops offer unique ways to discover grape escape destinations around the world.

IWINETC is the destination for those involved in wine, gastronomy and tourism. So come along and share your point of view and gain from the experience of others.


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