IWINETC 2020 will take place 27 & 28 October 2020.

Mar 4, 2020 | Wine Tourism Conference

Due to the rapid spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and the increase in air travel restriction to and from Italy, Lucio Gomiero Legale Rappresentante e Direttore General and on behalf of the PromoTurismoFVG has stated that PromoTurismoFVG are not able to maintain the scheduled dates for IWINETC 2020 and have also stated that in their opinion IWINETC be postponed. The IWINETC Management had for weeks made it known that a decision on holding or cancelling IWINETC would only be taken based on the recommendations or instructions of PromoturismoFVG. Only they possess the necessary information and specialist knowledge in order to draw the right conclusions.

New dates for IWINETC 2020 are 27 and 28 October.

International Wine Tourism Conference (IWINETC)

Founded in Spain in 2009, the International Wine Tourism Conference (IWINETC) has now accommodated over 2,500 wine & culinary tourism professionals in 45 different countries throughout the world.

Though opportunities for international networking, professional development, and world class industry information you will find that our conferences and workshops offer unique ways to discover grape escape destinations around the world.

IWINETC is the destination for those involved in wine, gastronomy and tourism. So come along and share your point of view and gain from the experience of others.


Tel: +34.93.897.70.48
Email: info@winepleasures.com

Wine Events Worldwide.
Vino y Sol, 1 · 08779
La Llacuna, Barcelona-Spain


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