What does it take to satisfy the wine tourist? A glass of Prosecco?

Mar 14, 2013 | 2013 Croatia, Wine Tourism Conference

Dr. Giovanna Sacchi works within the Agricultural Economics and Policies department at Ca’ Foscari Venice University. Her research focuses on the analysis of the multi-functionality of agriculture as a tool to exploit new opportunities for economic and sustainable development within the tourism sector. She will be presenting research that looks at the satisfaction level of wine tourists; which she believes is one step closer to revealing true facts about the different dynamics of wine tourism. 

You are gathering a bit of statistical research about Prosecco area wine tourists. What was the main objective of the online study?

The overall objective of our study is the analysis of satisfaction level for services within the Prosecco District. 

Do you think the study findings would be applicable and relevant for other wine regions?

I do think the study findings will be relevant for other wine regions even though each region is characterized by different dynamics, different stakeholders and services for tourists. Thus, I strongly believe that, as researcher, we have to take into account the differences and adapt our studies and surveys to the different regions considered.

Will understanding the motivations of Prosecco area wine tourists help the economy? How so?

I think that findings on satisfaction will help economy more than tourists motivations in terms of adapting the services to wine tourist real needs.

Was there an “ah-ha” key finding from the study that you share with IWINETC attendees?

In general terms, the “ah-ah” findings regard the very high level of satisfaction of our sample of wine tourists. We did not find anyone unsatisfied regarding his wine tourist experience.

Hmm Giovanna is not giving much away so you’ll just have to come along to the talk which will be at 15.00 in the Emerald Ballroom on Friday 15th March

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