So you are here because you are considering being part of the IWINETC 2016 Catalunya Press Trip – That’s great!…. this is what we require for guest media:
1) evidence of published stories in publications (print/digital) on wine and/or relevant areas (food/lifestyle/travel) – please send us a few links/clippings
2) a) a commission or b) a likelihood of a commission of stories arising from the conference/trip, and in the absence of either, assurance of publication of stories on the conference/trip/aspects of on the journalist/writers’ own site/blog
1) evidence of published photographs in publications (print/digital) on wine and/or relevant areas (food/lifestyle/travel) – please send us a few links/clippings
2) a) a commission or b) a likelihood of a commission of a photo essay or sale of photos arising from the conference/trip, and in the absence of either, publication of photos/photo essays on the journalist/writers’ own site/blog
1) evidence of a quality site/blog on wine/food/travel (and if food/travel, with significant content on wine) with a healthy readership, demonstrated by either:
- a large audience, or
- if a small audience, it must be a highly engaged audience.
Please provide site stats (subscriber/visitor numbers) and a few links to best wine-related pieces. 2) assurance that the blogger will publish a minimum of 4 blog posts on the conference and trip and no ater than 6 months upon Press Trip completion.
IN ADDITION to all of the above we would like writers/photographers/bloggers to be any or all of the following:
- that they be active on social media, Twitter/Linkedin in particular, and have an engaged following
- that they commit to live-tweeting on Twitter throughout the conference and Press Trip and agree to live-tweet conference sessions and use the conference #tags – to be determined
- that the bloggers/writers/journalists commit to providing text and 1 image for at least 4 articles. *All articles should be published no later than 9 months after the Conference. Photographers commit to providing some images/captions and/or photo essay during the conference/trip
Still interested in 7 days of wine, food travel, talks, writing, photo shooting, and tweeting? If so fill in the Press Trip Application Form and a Speaker Proposal Form *Posts and articles should be editorial and, if the writer wishes, carry a disclaimer.