Tamas Varhelyi
Industry expert
Dr. Tamás Várhelyi. As a manager of a tourism knowledge centre and a college professor Dr. Tamás Várhelyi is the first Hungarian invited presenter in the annual invitational international health tourism (spa and wellness) world summit. He is qualified as an informatics professional, physician, and economist, along with being a wine gastronomy manager and internationally qualified and acclaimed management consultant (CMC). He holds a PhD in the field of regional development and tourism.
As a senior manager at KPMG he compiled the health tourism marketing strategy of Hungary and developed the plans for the remodelling of the Héviz Lake Spa. Subsequently, he functioned as the director of innovation in Eszterházy Károly College focusing on wine-based product development in Eger and Sárospatak. In addition to holding lectures in Eger he fulfilled guest professor assignments in wine tourism in Barcelona and Florence. He has authored several professional volumes including a textbook on wine tourism. Having visited over 130 countries he has become fully familiar with the respective business, wellness, and wine consumption cultures.