Sponsor a Tour Operator Wine Tourism Fam Trip – 2017 Sicily, Italy


Sponsor a post conference 4 day/3 night programme for a group of 12 international tour operators/travel agents specialized in wine and/or culinary tourism as part of the International Wine Tourism Conference (IWINETC) 2017, Sicily, Italy.


Thursday 30 March 2017

17.00 Wine Tourism Workshop ends
17.30 Depart from the Grand Hotel Villa Itría, Viagrande (CT) and start of Fam Trip programme

Friday 31 March 2017

Fam Trip Programme

Saturday 1 April 2017

Fam Trip Programme

Sunday 2 April 2017

09.00 Transfer to Catania Airport


Sponsor must provide in collaboration with the IWINETC organizers an inspiring Fam Trip programme with photos to include 5 winery visits, 2 cultural visits, 3 accommodation stays, 3 Gourmet dinners, 2 light lunches (preferably at a winery), English speaking guide and transport for the duration of the Fam Trip.


The sponsorship fee (Silver Sponsor) is set at 3,750 Euros and includes:

  • Recruitment and selection of 12 tour operators/travel agents by organisers
  • 1 Conference badge for the sponsor (28 and 29 March)
  • Participation (1 person) in the Wine Tourism Workshop (30 March)
  • Sponsor logo to appear in the Conference catalogue and on the conference web site
  • Sponsor to be recognized from the podium at the beginning and end of the Conference
  • Full page colour advertisement in the conference catalogue

All costs associated with the successful running of the 4 day/3night Fam Trip must be covered by sponsor.

Who should sponsor?

In-coming agents, tourist boards, chambers of commerce, associations who wish to promote themselves as a grape escape destination for the FIT, Group and MICE markets.

Application Procedure

Sponsors should send in a draft Fam Trip programme specifying timings, name, location and web site of all visits with a short description of what the agent will see and do and accommodation name and location on each of the 4 days no later than 31 October 2016. Proposals should be emailed to info@winepleasures.com

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