Speaker Proposal Form – 2017 Sicily, Italy

  • Please provide a direct phone number as we may need to contact you to clarify content of your talk proposal.
    We are unable to print your email address unless a tick appears in the I wish box.
    *A Joint presenter must be be a co-speaker not someone sitting at a desk over seeing.
    Please indicate ONE theme ONLY which your talk fits into.
  • Your abstract must accurately reflect the content of your presentation as this is how delegates decide which sessions to attend. Abstracts must be no more than 50 words.
  • Your summary must outline exactly what you are going to talk about in the session and how the session will be structured. Summaries must be approx 250 - 300 words
  • Please provide a running text describing your yourself - past, present and future. This text will appear in the Conference programme. Please do not send a CV with a list of dates.
    Please note that, should you give permission, your presentation may also be featured on the IWINETC YouTube channel or other IWINETC video sites such as Vimeo.
  • Reminders

    • The closing date for receipt of speaker proposal forms is Friday 30 November 2024.
    • Any proposal received after this date will be placed on a reserve list.
    • Please check you have completed all relevant sections of the form correctly as incomplete forms not meeting the guidelines, will not be considered.
  • Company where employed or other affiliation for inclusion on your conference badge (your name automatically appears on your badge). If your place of work is lengthy then please try and shorten it as far as possible otherwise it may not fit on your name badge.

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