IWINETC Invited Agents have a unique opportunity to discover Sicily first hand and other grape escape destinations around the world during a 7 day programme (27 March – 2 April 2017) consisting of a two-day Wine Tourism Conference & Exhibition, a one day Workshop & a 3 day Fam Trip of a region of Sicily.
Invited buyer benefits
For tour operators and travel agents IWINETC provides the perfect opportunity to meet wine tourism experience providers from mostly the Old World. In addition to a packed conference programme providing a range of innovative, creative and cutting-edge sessions delivered by leading industry experts. a buzzing exhibition area and fantastic networking evening events, IWINETC makes your attendance easy and pleasurable, offering Invited Buyers the following benefits:
- A personalised schedule of meetings with exhibitors and workshop participants of your choice
- Complimentary transfers from and to Catania Airport
- Complimentary 4*/5* accommodation (6 nights)
- Invitations to fantastic networking evening events
- Participation in the 2 day conference with over 30 talks to choose from
- Complimentary meals, refreshments and Wi-Fi
- The opportunity to participate in a Fam Trip programme to one of the stunning grape escape destinations in Sicily
Interested agents should budget for flights to and from Catania Airport. Arrive 27 March and depart am 2 April.
View the Wine Tourism Experience Providers Registered to Date>>
The pre-requisite for accreditation is as follows:
- Agents must actively promote and run wine and/or culinary tourism. Agents looking to add wine tourism to their portfolio are also eligible. Wine Importers who organise winery visits are also eligible.
- Agents must have purchasing authority for placing cultural, wine or culinary travel.
Registration Fees
If your application is successful, you will receive written confirmation of this and there will be an admin fee of 495 Euros due.
If you’d like to find out any further information, contact the IWINETC team>> or start a discussion in our LinkedIn Group: Wine & Culinary Tourism Worldwide #IWINETC>>