Subhash Arora
Indian Wine Academy
Subhash Arora is an engineer by profession with an MBA and MS from the USA. He has been a wine promoter by vocation and religion and relentlessly promoting wine culture in India through various means including founding Delhi Wine Club where he has organised 252 dinners in 13 years. His India-centric but global in character weekly eNewsletter delWine goes to 69 countries and has 30,000 subscribers (over 680 issues sent). He is an international judge, representing India in about 50 competitions. He visits Indian wineries regularly and several overseas. He helps foreign producers seeking to enter India and gives consultancy. For his services, he has been conferred the title of 'Cavaliere' by the President of Italy. He is the only Indian to have been awarded an 'Order of Merit' by OIV Paris for selfless service to the wine industry. His website was chosen as the Best Wine Website in 2011. He has been chosen as the best wine journalist in India by Wine Business International in 2006 and nominated 4 times in the Best Foreign wine Journalist category by Grandi Cru d'Italia. He has conducted several conferences at wine shows and has also been a speaker in several countries and frequently addresses foreign groups visiting India.
Subhash will be delivering a talk with the conference programme titled:
Think India? Think Taj Mahal? Think Again!
Indian wine tourism is, to say the least very young and as a relatively new grape escape destination on the world map, it is having its challenges. This talk will take you around India focusing on specific case studies and outlining the way forward for the wine tourism industry as it begins fermentation.
Get the speaker notes for Session 2.1 - Think India? Think Taj Mahal? Think Again!>>