Sponsorship Opportunities at IWINETC – Put your brand and destination front and centre
IWINETC sponsorship gives your destination and brand the opportunity to generate awareness and preference in the mind of the attendees, boost the perceived image of your region and stakeholders operating within the territory and gain international media exposure.
Your destination and brand will be seen throughout various elements of the event and attendees, eager to learn more about your destination will discover all there is to know about your destination thanks to the following benefits included in our Sponsorship Opportunities Prospectus available to you before, during and after IWINETC
View the Sponsorship Opportunities
Need more information?
Contact the IWINETC team who are on hand to answer any questions you may have. E. info@winepleasures.com
To view the Conference Catalogue for IWINETC 2018 Hungary click on the front page: